Regarding your sign: "Eat The Rich"
Eat The Rich?
Are you mad?
Eating the rich is hardly a healthy food choice. Not only are they empty Calories, toxic in even moderate portions, but there is absolutely no fibre content! - you'll be 'tossing a caber' the density of a neutron star after partaking of something as apparently innocuous as, say, Trump tartar or Hilton skin taco. Think of your sphincter!
Besides, you are what you eat, right?
As to the anti-circumcision folks, my friend/mentor/English tutor/but, alas, not yet lover opines:
"I can't remember the pain of mine, but I do know that I couldn't walk or talk for almost a year afterward."
Pre-K children chanting: “STOP! BEING! GREEDY!” ?!?!. Oh dear the irony here is positively ferrous, if not ferric in scale!
Pre-K children of my acquaintance are all: "I want what I want when I want it" Or as my Engerland friends would say: "Pot? Kettle?"
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