Don't hate me because I am a cute Asian, hate me because I am a cunt. And what are you looking at anyway? I would like you to fuck off. I don't want people here. People who read blogs are cunts, or at best, arseholes. This is somewhere for me to record things, things I care about. Things like trephination and FGM and who feels the orgasm when the Hensel girl(s) masturbate. Also, Rolihlahla Mandela and Aung San Suu Kyi are cunts. I don't like Mother Teresa much either.
......................................I was once known as Aquarians Love To Fuck (ALT-F). I am now Vagina Dentata (VD)......................................
Thomas Jefferson spelt "labour" with a "U"
It does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods, or no God. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.
I suspect Mr. Jefferson would have spelt the word neighbour with a 'u'. See Query XVII
I agree with him - as long as my neighbours only say it that is. If they should start believing any of it, well, fuck, Cry "Havoc", and let slip the dogs of war!
To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.
This is a misquote. This is the actual quote,
"To compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the propagation of opinions which he disbelieves and abhors, is sinful and tyrannical. "
Do I need to explain the difference between contributions of money and taxes?
All anonymous comments, unsigned, will be deleted, as will ad hominem attacks against me or others.
What about 'ad eminem' attacks?
You know where you imply Marshall Mathers is the son of Jerry Mathers?
"Gosh Beav, did you really Lose Yourself in 8 Mile?"
"Gee Wally, Without Me where would music be?"
May we deride Michelle Malkin regarding the title of her latest book?
Pulling up the ladder. Why my parents were the last good immigrants
Cuddles, Nice work on the Malkin title. I was unhinged 'til I realized you made it up.
A confirmatory avowal.
1 comment:
Hello VD, good to see you back. Did you ever go away, I can’t remember. But there are many things I don’t remember. I put it down to the Oxycontin or OxyNorm. One is quick releasing and the other takes a while and tails off gradually, a bit like my memory- so that’s fixed then, it's the Oxycontin 20mg. As for Tramadol, it makes me fart.
Do you still visit ‘my place’, I’d like to think so. Two bored kindred intellectual spirits looking forward to our well-deserved oblivion. My doctor says I’m depressed; perhaps I am. I just want to converse with someone not preoccupied with Crony virus and when they can visit MacDonalds.
If you have been keeping up with my life of woe you will note that I’m in semi-retirement in rural idyll. Three alpacas and four chucks make up my extended family. What you won't discern from my blog is that in the interval of absence, I tried a bit of swinging. Overweight middle-class ladies were my prey. It was not as I envisaged. Strangely unromantic (no shit, you say. Wat did ya expect?) but I liked the no attachment bit- very squelchy though. I sometimes think I discern your hand in the comments- could it really be you?
I dissected a teratoma once: twas full of teeth and black hair. Monstrous indeed. A colleague once found a rudimentary eye in the mix of teeth and hair. Throw in a couple of more organs and you would have a Frenchman. An Englishman would say that, wouldn’t he?
If I have offended you in the past, I apologise. I am not a well man, on a perfunctory inspection you wouldn’t pick it up. My mind is a tumble/jumble of thoughts barely constrained. I have been offered medication to assuage the storm, but then I wouldn’t be me, would I? Desperately flawed as I am, I’m thankful that there is no anodyne for my condition.
Anyway, I miss you. You pierce my heart with monotonous languor.
Yours forever,
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