......................................I was once known as Aquarians Love To Fuck (ALT-F). I am now Vagina Dentata (VD)......................................


Visits here on October 14, 2021




Anonymous said...

Behind a VPN ?

Sterculian Rhetoric said...


Anonymous said...

Sorry Sterc, the user is probably behind a Virtual Private Network (VPN) and therefore the country shown is chosen by the user - it could be anywhere on the planet. I choose the UK but I could claim to come from the USA

Sterculian Rhetoric said...

Dearest Anonymous at 3:04 pm above:

Firstly, never call me "Sterc". Diminutives are for cunts.

Secondly, thank you. I always wondered what a 'VPN' thingly was. I can fully understand why one might defer from choosing to claim to come from the "USA" for the purposes of these statistics, but is selecting as your location the "UK" any better?

Upon alighting at some airport in some shite country:

Taxi Tout: "Hello! Where you from?"

Me: "My mother."

I derive much amusement from watching these poor louts race through their mental World map to determine where this country 'My mother" is located.
