......................................I was once known as Aquarians Love To Fuck (ALT-F). I am now Vagina Dentata (VD)......................................


Suckling Hatred

Great Zenobia's Ghost 'sdeath I say!

In my home country we suckle hatred of the Caucasoid name from our mother's teat.

The Tutor, he being a Caucasoid and all, is a rare exception to the rule(1).  In fact, just the other day in Singapore, I espied the nonchalant mover waltzing through airport security and cavorting with slim-frocked, blonde-haired and blue-eyed 'stewardesses' who seemed genuinely thrilled to have such glamourous jobs; and all-the-while shod in Zamberlans at that!  I was reminded of a once carefree America that's forever lost - if it ever existed - which I'm too young to have ever experienced anyway.

(1)  The members of ABBA and the original Flower Child Donovan Leitch are also included as rare exceptions.  Oh and the sexiest man alive - or dead; Paul Newman.

I Just Fucking Adore Global Warming!

Is there anthropogenic global warming?  I don't know and I don't fucking care.(1)  What I do know is that the combustion of ever-increasing quantities of Fossil Fuels - oil, gas and coal - generates tonnes of killer air pollution.  The kind of air pollution that causes much respiratory distress among those who out of insipid ignorance insist on engaging in respiratory gas-exchange leading to the oxidative phosphorylation necessary to generate their precious ATP - the fucking bourgeois organic-chemistry-lovin'-cunts.  As a wily psychopath, I am quite pleased with this air pollution thing.
Is it an encumbrance?  No it is not!
It is a weapon!
It is not unreasonable for me to believe that my singular use of fossil fuels over the years I've been resident in The Canadas, the use for much of which was for no good reason, has contributed directly to the premature deaths of several people; and I imagine them all to be white people too.
I'm a murderer!
Mea fucking culpa!  Of course, many would argue it is only involuntary manslaughter, not murder.
Fair enough, but I would remind these Libruls I have malice of intent, mens rea, there are no mitigating factors and there was a fuck of a lot of pre-planning involved; It's depraved-heart murder, and no mistake.   I am no different than that Dzhokhar character from the Boston Marathon bombing - my method just takes a lot longer to wreak its intended havoc.

Well, I'm such a killer
I got lyric fillers
And I'm hated everywhere I go...(Sounds like me)
I waste a lot of oil and I waste a lot of gas
At ten thousand gallons a go...(Right)
I do all kinds of spills that give me all kind of thrills
But the thrill I've never known
Is the thrill that'll gitcha when you get your pitcha
On the cover of the Rollin' Stone.

An arsehole

(1) Though truth be told, which it often isn't, I hope there is Global Warming and I hope that it speeds the fuck up!  It is -23 Celsius, that's -9 fucking Yankee degrees by the way, as I pixellate this and I am just fucking tired of the cold.

Apologies to Shel Silverstein and Dr. Hook et al. for doing that to your magnum opus.

I Fucking Love Drone-Strikes!

The Peshawar High Court in Pakistan has ruled that US drone-strikes are illegal, inhumane, violate the UN charter on human rights and surely constitute a war crime.  Successive American administrations disagree, stating that these 'arbitrary' and 'extrajudicial' executions of enemy non-combatants do not violate international law, and that the method of attack is precise and effective.
The Obama administration proffered this explanation on drone-strike policy in April 2012, concluding that it was "legal, ethical, and wise".
Those who are being targeted by drones in a foreign country are not protected under the general human right to life - it's war!  Targeted killing under the law of self-defence is not an action constitutive of "law enforcement" either so law enforcement standards of jurisprudence are not applicable.  The United States has every 'Right-by-Might' to fly its drones into any foreign country, especially one with which it is not already at war, and kill any person, or persons, it deems an 'enemy'.

So committed to the efficacy and legality of this sort of anti-terrorism engagement, I would think the great U S of A would have had absolutely no problem at all with the Royal Air Force and/or MI6 (MI5?) commissioning, in the 1980s and 1990s, the then extant versions of the Reaper or Predator drones to strike those Yankee Catholic fuckers in Boston and environs who supplied the fucking IRA cunts with treasure and succor during 'The Troubles'.
Legal, ethical and wise indeed.
And as far as some Librul feckers in the Revolted Colonies hueing, crying and whingeing on about the inevitable civilian casualties, I doubt that would manifest at all in earnest.  Not even in Boston itself.  Everybody, and I mean everybody - the Yanks especially - knows that if one finds one's self drone-striking IRA Terrorists in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, that any, hopefully massive, "collateral damage" could possibly only involve fucking Massholes.  Accordingly, if I might paraphrase Major General James Wolfe's assertion during the Battle of the Plains of Abraham regarding his Scottish soldiers, "they(Massholes) are hardy, intrepid, accustomed to a rough country, and no great mischief if they fall".

I'm not sure if that is Boston in the photograph since I've never been to Boston.  I can't be arsed to get my shots, which are free by the way up here in the Canadas, so I would not hazard to venture there.  Besides, it's in America - I might catch obesity and there's no pharmacological prophylaxis for that.


If you wanna hang out you've got to take him out; Bourdain. 
If you wanna get down, down on the ground; Bourdain. 
He don't lie, he don't lie, he bake pie; Bourdain. 

If you got bad news, you wanna kick them blues; Bourdain. 

When your day is done and you wanna run; Bourdain. 
He don't lie, he don't lie, he bake pie; Bourdain.

If your thing is gone and you wanna ride on; Bourdain. 

Don't forget this fact, you can't get it back; Bourdain. 
He don't lie, he don't lie, he bake pie; Bourdain.

He don't lie, he get high, he bake pie; Bourdain.

He go die!


Apologies to J. J. Cale

Big Dick Energy

Me:  "I've just met a new and potentially 'pleasant diversion'.  This lark has informed me that he, among other attributes, wields with abandon a weaponized 10 inch penis!
And he's rich!
This bodes well for at least one lushly appointed tryst with all manner of high-threadcount fun!"

The Tutor:  "Now if that is to be believed, I shall henceforth endeavor to keep your cervix in my thoughts and prayers."