......................................I was once known as Aquarians Love To Fuck (ALT-F). I am now Vagina Dentata (VD)......................................


Yankee Ignorance

Females do not touch Buddhist Monks and Buddhist Monks do not touch females.


nisakiman said...

Yes, well I suppose that rather depends on the monk. Although I agree, a public display like that would most definitely be frowned upon, certainly in Thailand, although those robes don't actually look Thai. Bhutan? Myanmar? Dunno. I know fuck all about the habits of monks.

Sterculian Rhetoric said...

You are indeed correct - they ain't Thai. It's the Dalai Lama being represented in an episode of the Yankee television show entitled "Madam Secretary".
While standing in a queue to purchase a train ticket in Sukhothai, Thailand, the Tutor used the following 'pick-up' line on the young Aussie backpacker in front of him in the queue: "Those two monks over there are checking out your ass. Would you like me to stand behind you such that they see mine instead?"
Worked a treat he told me.

nisakiman said...

That's nice. Worked a treat for who? The backpacker? The Tutor? The monks? All parties? The possibilities are endless, both in terms of who it worked out for, and what ones interpretation of 'a treat' is.

I shall have to ponder on this one.

Monks can actually be quite laid-back. I remember well one time back in '71 when I stayed overnight in a wat close to Ranong; after darkness fell, a couple of the saffron robed ones beckoned to me to follow. We decamped to a clearing in the jungle next to a stream, about a fifteen minute walk, and said saffron robed ones dragged from a hidden stash a rather splendid bong and some most excellent ganja. A very pleasantly transcendental time was had by all. I remember thinking at the time that perhaps being a Thai monk wasn't such a bad idea.