The Tutor: "If I was a Third World Country......"
Me: "Pray tell. What makes you think you're not?"
The Tutor: "Very funny. I mean I can't decide whether I would rather endure an invasion by the American Military under the ruse of 'bringing me Democracy' - like they did in Iraq and Afghanistan - or have the Russian Military invade me to piss off NATO."
Me: "When the current brouhaha in that little corner of Rumsfeldian New Europe has run its course, a total tally of "all collateral damage" should inform your decision well enough.
The Tutor: "I'm secretly hoping the Russians are the safer bet. Just to annoy that not-at-all-biased "The News of the World" web site otherwise known as:"
The poor Khokhols can't get much worse.
Top 23 Poorest Countries in Rumsfeldian New Europe plus Russian Federation, Iraq and Afghanistan (by 2020 GDP per capita, US$)
- Ukraine - $3,727
- Azerbaijan - $4,214
- Armenia - $4.268
- Georgia - $4,279
- Kosovo (partially recognized) - $4,287
- Moldova - $4,551
- Albania - $5,215
- North Macedonia - $5,888
- Bosnia And Herzegovina - $6,032
- Belarus - $6,411
- Serbia - $7,666
- Montenegro - $7,686
- Bulgaria - $10,079
- Romania - $12,896
- Croatia - $14,134
- Poland - $15,721
- Hungary - $15,980
- Latvia - $17,726
- Slovak Republic - $19,266
- Lithuania - $20,233
- Czech Republic - $22,931
- Estonia - $23,027
- Slovenia - $25,517
- Iraq - $4,146
- Afghanistan - $517
- Russia Federation - $10,126
P.S. The 2020 GDP per Capita of Liechtenstein was $175,814
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