......................................I was once known as Aquarians Love To Fuck (ALT-F). I am now Vagina Dentata (VD)......................................


0808 808 0700

A very recent conversation betwixt yours truly and The Tutor in the latter's sepulchral clothes closet......

The Tutor:  "Nu?  What do you think?"

Me:  "Jodhpurs?  At your age?  Oh, my giddy aunt!"

The Tutor:  "Laugh all you will little missy, but I am investing in my future!"

Me:  "Que?"

The Tutor:  "Isn't it obvious?  I'm grooming myself for the UK geriatric sex trade.  In twenty years, my Civil Suit will prove quite lucrative!"

Me:  "Fair enough, but fuchsia jodhpurs?"

The Tutor:  "They're magenta!"


Anonymous said...


Sterculian Rhetoric said...

I can't view this video. I'm not old enough, apparently.